Good Conference Presentation

In the past couple of years, virtual meetings and online conferences have become the norm. Whether it’s a corporate event or a private presentation, many believe that the same presentation skills applied to both, while the experts understand the importance to tailor their approach to match their audience and the medium.

With both mediums, you have to engage your audience. With in-person events, your audience is kind of stuck which is not the case with virtual presentations. Still, the listeners have the opportunity to stray, you need to be more captivating with your online approach so that you can hook and engage your audience.

Let’s now learn some expert tips to make any presentation successful from beginning to the end

Balance the Lighting

The ambiance is the first thing that tells about the experience your audience is going to get. As a presenter, it’s your sole responsibility to ensure that your listeners can see you well. The natural light must shine brightly on your face. In case, it’s not possible, invest in supplemental lights to enhance the conference presentation.

Get the Background Right

Another important element – the background must be set to enhance your professional image. Keep it clean with a perfect blend of colors that best fit your brand’s voice. Avoid cluttered backgrounds and don’t overdo things as it will make them distracting. Many virtual platforms allow you to use a custom background or simply blur the background as per preferences.

Learn the Technology

No matter how much time you have spent preparing for the presentation, if you are not able to fix things on the go, you’re out. Nothing can kill a virtual presentation faster than a presenter who fumbles to take the right action when needed. If possible, arrange a co-host who can help you with technology during the presentation.

Stand at Eye Level

Using a standing desk is possible as it displays a higher energy level and keeps the environment more presentation-like. If you have to sit, avoid slouching away as it will make your presentations look boring and lame. It sends a signal that you are not an active presenter so there are chances your audience will feel disconnected.

Rehearse Your Material

Practicing your presentation can help you eliminate any unnecessary information from the script that might make it distracting. Not only it will reduce stress but would help build confidence as you know what you need to speak. Do not learn your script, only memorize it to look natural. Also, it gives you the chance to improve the script, wherever required.

Engage Your Audience

A good speaker is one who can read the face of their audience and judge if they are hooked up or distracted. If you feel that the presentation is getting boring, shift the pace to a current affair so that your audience can connect. As a matter of fact, listening to a single topic in a stretch can turn even the most interesting content into a boring subject.

Use Multimedia

Effective presentation formats such as slideshows can make the conference engaging and interactive. Use simple lines of text, bullet points, images, infographics, and other interesting formats to make it interesting. Avoid sounding monotonous during the presentation. Adding funny memes can make your presentation lively.

So, regardless of the medium of your presentation, you can engage your audience through these interactive tips. We hope you can use them in your scientific or professional life.