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The Core Emotional Addiction (CEA) Model is a clinical modality designed to develop emotional sobriety in a recovery patient. The model enables the person to look deep into their minds and find the root emotional cause for their addictions. By doing so, they can easily overcome any form of drug addiction in a short time. Many alcohol rehab centers use the CEA model as their treatment base and build other forms of treatments over it. No doubt this has proven to be the best approach since the recovery rates are constantly growing higher ever since the model was developed.
A New Approach Towards Treating Addictions
The CEA model is very effective for alcohol recovery, for it teaches the patients to find the root emotional causes for their alcohol addictions. Some people get addicted due to their familial problems, while others become addicted while trying to cope with their work-related stress. There are a lot more reasons too. But whatever be the reason, the patients face a problem in their emotional state while they abuse alcohol. By addressing this core issue in a constructive manner, they can easily overcome their alcohol dependence.
Get Better Control Over Your Mind and Body
The model is implemented in the alcohol rehab center, through three steps. First, the negative and positive personal beliefs inherited from family, and society are identified by the patients. They will be required to list all their understanding about their life’s lessons. Next, the negative personal beliefs are taken up and the patient will have to acknowledge their presence in their minds. This gives them an opportunity to make peace with their past and move on. Finally, they are taught several mindfulness exercises to focus on their positive personal beliefs. This exercise will help them cultivate healthy thoughts and behaviors.
Effective Way to Combat Addiction
If you are addicted to alcohol, or your friend/loved one is going through a tough phase with alcohol addiction, then you must reach out to rehab for alcohol and join their inpatient recovery program. There are several effective practices that are established in the centers. Various therapies, counseling sessions with psychiatrists, support group sessions, etc. will all help you towards sobriety. You can change your life one day at a time and transform into a brand-new person. There are trained physicians, and psychiatrists who will provide you with constant support through your recovery journey.
Find the Best Center
But first, you will need to find a good rehab center near you. There are plenty of them that have opened up in recent years, owing to the rising demand for isolated places for drug addiction recovery. You can find a good center with a simple search online. While joining their inpatient program, inquire them if they employ the Core Emotional Addiction model in their treatment program. As for other treatments, the centers will take care of them. They are well-equipped to handle all sorts of emergencies and they will provide you with urgent care if and when necessary.